Nora Lee is 13 months and is now more of a little girl than a baby. She is not yet walking but takes up to three steps on her own before going back down to the ground. She is very fast and can get up and down off of the couch and bed and walks easily while holding onto furniture. She laughs a lot and we are constantly amazed at how much she understands. Although she speaks almost no words yet, she seems to understand most things we say.
She LOVES music and dancing. She dances any time music comes on and usually sings along if there are lyrics. In the car or at home there is music on almost all of the time and you will hear a tiny little high voice singing along. Her dancing is the most precious thing I have ever seen. She shakes her little hips back and forth and it kills us.
A few weeks ago I put on the "Sound of Music" and was amazed to find that she would stop and watch whenever the singing and dancing happened. The rest of the time she ignored the TV but when the music was on, she was thrilled. I began doing an experiment and she consistently stops playing and gets a HUGE smile on her face and begins to dance when Gene Kelley or Fred Astaire comes on the screen. I have been anti-TV for her but after seeing how much joy she gets from the old time dance and song numbers I loving TIVO-ing musicals and showing them to her. Matt is of course THRILLED with her love of music, dancing and singing. We are both excited to see how that develops in her.
She still has eight teeth but a few more are on the way. She has had a break from teething for a while which has been really nice.
She is VERY inquisitive. She wants to know what everything is called. She only says a few things and one of them is "Ga da?". Ga da means "what's that?" and she says it ALL the time. When we say what the thing is called she is satisfied and is quiet or points to something else to learn the name.
Nora Lee still loves food and will befriend anyone in the room who has food to share.
That's all for now.
I just re-emerged from Nora Lee land, and I am so glad to see all the adorable pics! I love you all and miss you very much. Let's please have a visit again soon!
hooray for updates! nora lee for president! i miss you guys SO very much! when can we have a rendezvous?
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