Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Horse Class

There is a horse ranch about 30 minutes from where we live that has wonderful classes for kids and adults. Today, Nora Lee took a two hour intro class to see if she would be interested in taking weekly classes. They learned about approaching horses safely, grooming them, feeding them, and got to ride as well. She loved it and hopes to take more classes soon! As she was riding Lady she said, "Now I know I want to be a cowgirl when I grow up!"

Nora rides Lady, a 2,000 pound horse

The kids learn about grooming and brushing horses

Tim, one of the teachers, carries his little chiwawa in a satchel as he teaches

Nora Lee digs rocks and dirt out from Lady's hoof

Matt's Graduation

On May 24th Matt graduated from California State University, Northridge with a bachelor's degree in Cinema, Television, and Film. He was accepted into the master's program with only 14 other students and will begin classes this fall.

Mimi and Poppy Come to Town!!

Topanga Bluegrass Festival

Matt and The Dust Bowl Cavaliers were invited to play the main stage at the Topanga Bluegrass Festival this year. We spent the day listening to incredible folk and bluegrass music and Nora Lee got to try cotton candy for the first time. She is a fan of both.

Square Dancin' Fun!

Matt, Nora Lee and I went to a classic square dance and it was a BLAST! I had no idea how much fun the whole event would be! It started in the early evening with a family square dance followed by a cake walk and then an adult square dance. I was delighted by the sense of community that was created. I had no idea how to square dance but it didn't matter at all since we were beautifully led through the whole experience. I became a big fan and look forward to more square dancing opportunities!