Monday, February 11, 2008

Adventures with Poop

I have two short stories about poop that I wanted to document.

One is simple and involves a diaper change when Nora had pooped about 30 grape sized pellets which as I unfastened her diaper she grabbed and threw all over the bedroom. Deeelightful.

The second is more disturbing, so put down your sandwich before reading further.

We use cloth diapers and wash them in our washing machine. This is no big deal and we do several loads of diapers each week. Since Nora Lee has been eating solid food we have to have a poop pail along with a regular pee pail. When she poops we dump the poop in the toilet and then put the soiled diaper in the poop pail to soak. On this particular day I noticed that the poo pail was maxed out (its quite small) and so I decided to put in a load to wash. I lifted the pail by the handle and began crossing from the bathroom into our kitchen toward the washing machine. As I entered the kitchen the handle broke and the pail fell to the floor dumping poo diapers all over the floor and splashing my entire face and body with poo water. Matt heard the commotion and came running in to find me soaked and startled. He was horrified and found it hilarious.

Before you all decided to never come over to my house again or to kiss me, let me assure you that both my body and my home have been sanitized to the max. At least after being showered with poo water no one can say I don't care for the environment.

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