Laura and I packed up our kids at noon and headed down to the park in Santa Monica where he was planning to arrive, have a short press conference and then walk the remaining 2.2 miles to the Santa Monica Pier. He was welcoming anyone who wanted to join him in those final miles.
We got to the park an hour and a half early and let the kids play around in the fountain and in the playground.
Once it was time to walk, we put the kids in the strollers and made it all the way to the pier! Zack gave a speech and the mayor of Santa Monica spoke as well. The kids were antsy by this point, so after getting ice cream and french fries (we needed our strength for the way back ;) we headed back to the park. Nora Lee was VERY disappointed not to go on the rides at the pier but not only do I think she would have been too little, I worried about staying too long at the pier and then having to push three screaming kids back to the park. The whole adventure took 7 hours from front door to front door and we walked for 5 miles. I was really impressed with Laura who pushed a double stroller that whole way (on the way back, it had our heavy girls in it while I got to push 7 month old Dorian!)
I was so glad we did it.
Preparing to walk
Zack is the red-head leading the way
My view of his speech at the end :)
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