This morning as Nora Lee and I were driving to the farmer's market she announced that she never wanted to be a grown-up. I asked her why and she started to cry and said, "Because then you guys won't be my parents any more and I wont be your daughter!" I assured her that we would always be her parents no matter how big she got. She said that she would be willing to be a teenager and we talked about all the fun things that teenagers get to do. She asked me if I had my own slide like she does. I told her that I don't have my own slide but that its because my interests have changed, not because I couldn't have one as a grown-up. I think all this may have come from a new awareness she had yesterday. She began to play on her slide in the yard and she hasn't played on it in a while. She commented that the slide was smaller now and I told her that the slide has stayed the same but that she has grown. This may have gotten her thinking about growing up and how things change. Its so amazing to watch her learn about life.
A few minutes later in the car she said, "Mom, 'I can't wait' has two meanings! One meaning is when you say, 'I cant wait to go to Disneyland.' Like saying, 'I'm so excited!' and the other meaning is 'I am so hungry my belly needs food right now, I cant wait!"
As we pulled up to the farmers market I told her to stay close to me because it's a busy place and we need to stay together. She told me what she would do if she got lost (tell another mom her name and that she was lost) and then she said, "I may get lost today because I'm a rascal, do you know what rascal means?" I told her I didn't (she likes when I pretend not to know things so she can inform me) and she said, "A rascal misbehaves or is naughty. I'm not going to misbehave, but don't you just love the word RASCAL!"
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