Saturday, November 23, 2013

Art Class

Last month Nora Lee attended a free art class at the library.  It was such a fulfilling experience for her that she asked to take art classes where she could really learn how to make forms look realistic.  I found an incredible art studio near our house that teaches students fine art skills.  

They begin by learning to draw and use colored pencils, then move on to pastels, water colors, acrylic paints and then oils.  She gets to go at her own pace and is surrounded by youngsters just learning, like herself, as well as teens doing masterpieces.  She is loving this experience!  I can envision her working at this studio for years to come.

The pictures below were completely blank pieces of paper.  Nora Lee drew the images and used colored pencil to fill them in.  The art class provides her with the images she is replicating (she gets to choose from a pile) and they help her break down each shape - the eyes, the head, the ears, etc.  

This process has allowed her to create really beautiful pieces.  She has had three classes now and this is her work below.

This is from the last two classes

From the first class

1 comment:

Matthew said...

Beautiful artwork, Nora Lee! I was a professional artist for many years and I'm very impressed with your talent!