Thursday, December 29, 2011

Holiday Park Day

Last week at Mud Pies and Butterflies, which is the Thursday afternoon park day we attend, we talked about different holiday traditions. Jessica told a story about Kwanzaa and the kids acted it out. Jessica and her family made a traditional danish cookie- cake and decorated it with flags from around the world as well as religious symbols.

I love that this boy showed up to park day in this yellow mustache. You may be thinking that he wore it to perform in the play, but no, he wore it because he wanted to. It was unrelated to anything else we were doing that day. It ended up being great for playing an old man in the kwanzaa play the kids did but he didn't bring it for that reason. I absolutely love that about homeschooling. Nora Lee gets to wear her high heeled cowgirl boots constantly and if she wants to show up in her bright pink cape, no problem, we don't have any rules about that. In fact, the more outrageous, the better.

This is the fabulous Jessica. She leads this park day and always plans an interesting educational theme and project for the kids.

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