Saturday, August 6, 2011

Our Summer Garden

The Devil Tomato

We've got zucchini, yellow squash, grape tomatoes, steak tomatoes, and basil growing right now. The strawberries and cucumbers are not happy.

These sunflowers are about 8 feet tall!

This was the first year that the fruit tress that I planted a few years ago are producing. Matt and I had an ongoing (and losing) battle with the squirrels who ended up eating almost everything. We had about 100 apricots and about 30 apples. We netted the trees and everything but they still got them. In our exasperation we were actually considering a BB gun but don't think our neighbors would be too delighted with our missed targets. I've heard hanging human hair and/or moth balls in the trees can work. I'm hopeful that in the next few years the trees will produce enough for us all to share. This is what happens with our citrus trees in the back yard and it seems like a win-win situation ;-)

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