Nora Lee is 15 months old now and is 30 inches long and 19 pounds. On Valentines Day she walked across the room for the first time and now is walking everywhere. For a while she did a combination of walking and crawling but now she doesn't even crawl anymore.
When she was six months old we started teaching her sign language but were told that she wouldn't respond until at least 10 months. We gave up around a year because nothing seemed to be happening. Then one day a few weeks ago my mom showed her a sign and she signed back! It was so exciting! We immediately began signing again and she has continued to sign back. For a while she has understood words that we speak to her but has not been able to respond, now she has a way to communicate. She knows the signs for "food, more, nursing, water, and change."
A day or so after we introduced the sign "change" she was in the living room and I could tell she was pooping. When she finished she came over to me and did the sign for "change". I was blown away and immediately went to change her diaper! Since then she only does the change sign when I ask her if she needs a change but I'm excited that she seems to be puting it all together.
Music is still a huge part of her life. She knows the words for music and dancing (when we say them) and she gets a huge smile on her face when they are said, and usually starts to dance right away.