Funny things Nora Lee has said recently:
- "That's a good choice Mama."
- "How 'bout we play a game and then eat food. Is that a good plan?"
- Nora: "There is a really big linon (lion) in my house."
Me: "What's his name?"
Nora: "Kitty."
We were eating homemade pizza and Nora said, "Mmm, mom, you make this very well."
Nora Lee wants to know everyone's names, first and last. She remembers them even when long periods of time have elapsed. Months can go by and she will still remember their full name and their pets names. I'm envious of this ability!
We have kept Nora's hair in a short pixie cut because she never wanted for us to mess with it or put clips in it so it seemed like the easiest way to keep it out of her face. Recently she decided that she wants to have "yong" (long) hair. She is patiently growing it out now and happily lets me put clips and headbands in :) Its amazing to have her making these kinds of decisions for herself now.