Nora Lee is excited about all the new things she can do and the world in general. She turns nine months old in a few days and is as cute as ever! She has six teeth completely in, four on top and two on the bottom. This week she has really been struggling with teething. She appears to be getting at least three more in, possibly four - all on the bottom.
She hasn't slept well and I assume its all the teething. I'm told that most kids this age are sleeping about four hours during the day and 12 hours at night. Although this has happened before, its not the usual and certainly not lately. This last two weeks she has slept well at night but is really struggling with naps. Hopefully she will be able to sleep more during the day when these crazy teeth come in. I keep trying to be consistent with nap time in the morning and afternoon but its still not predictable or smooth. All in good time...
Nora is very fast as a crawler and is now very stable when standing and holding onto something. This week she began walking while holding onto the couch. She even braved letting go to balance a few times! Perhaps she will be walking in the next few weeks!
Matt and I have been playing lots of music around the house and she really seems to like it. She has begun bobbing her head when it comes on and loves when her daddy slow dances with her. She and I do the tango - cheek to cheek - it's awesome.
She is way into toys and things she can bite on. She cleverly will play with a toy, then put it in her mouth and crawl like a puppy dog, carry it across the room, then sit to play with it again. Speaking of puppies, we've learned that she loves animals. She doesn't seem the least bit intimidated by dogs or cats and just laughs when she gets barked at.
Nora Lee is eating at every meal (although still breastfeeding as well). Just today she seemed unwilling for the first time to be fed and instead insisted on doing it herself. I am noticing a new sense of will power coming from her lately and am curious to see how that develops. I guess that's no surprise when looking at her parents :) Her favorite thing to eat is Trader Joe's Organic High Fiber O's. When we get the box out she squeals with delight and pounds her fists on her tray. I get a kick out of this because Matt LOVES this cereal as well. Its good and all but no chocolate cake or anything.
We have continued to teach her sign language and according to the book she is now at the age that she may start responding. She definitely knows the signs because when I do the nursing sign she lunges for my chest. She has started waving and it has occurred to me that the wave could be her interpretation of the nursing sign. This is the sign she has seen most often but I can't tell because she does it at everyone and doesn't seem to be hungry at the time. I don't know. I'll keep you posted.